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St Matthew's CE Primary School

Faith • Respect • Achievement • Friendship

The story of the The Three Trees

This is a story of three trees who had beautiful dreams but found that there were other plans in store for them!




In the bible, Jesus said He came to earth as a baby and died on the cross so that we could have life and live it to the full. This is like this story, life might not be always what we planned, but it will be just what we need if we follow God.

I wonder what different ways you could live life to the full at the moment. Maybe you could encourage people in your area by putting some colourful pictures into your windows with positive messages. Maybe you could call someone in your family or a friend and have a good catch up. Maybe you could give the members of your family a great big hug. Maybe you could spend some time with your family doing a fun activity like playing a game or cooking something.


Dear God,

Thank you for the plans You have for us. We don't know what they are and at the moment they might feel a long way away, but help us to trust You will help us live life to the full, even at the moment.
