Breakfast Choir - Teachers' Choice 2

This will be the last week of choices from the teachers, so we hope you enjoy them!
Mrs Burgess has suggested a couple of songs which will inspire you and get you ready for a really productive day. The first one is Fight Song by Rachel Platten.
The next one is Roar by Katy Perry. This is an old favourite at Breakfast Choir, so I hope you enjoy singing along really loudly! And don't forget the dance moves!
Mrs Partridge has suggested a song which fits our situation at the moment. From a Distance sung by Bette Midler.
Then Miss Welch suggested a song which shows how we are coping with the lock down. We are the Champions by Queen.
And a final choice from Mrs PH. It's Read All About It by Emeli Sande.
We hope you enjoy this selection this week. Your teachers are really missing you all and hope to see you soon.
Have a brilliant week and we will be back next Friday with hopefully a very special edition of Breakfast Choir online.
From Miss Lee and Miss Yates.