June 1st information
June 1st information about reopening school
18th May 2020
Reopening Information for Parents
Remember it is your choice to send children in, parents will not be fined for non-attendance at this time. We are still hoping for further scientific advice to be available to help you support your decision.
The government has asked schools to open for Year R, Year 1, Year 6 and priority groups from 1st June. Before we ask you to tell us if you wish your child to attend school next half term, we wanted to send you some information about how the school will be operating so that you are able to make an informed decision. Once you have read this letter and if your child is eligible to return, please complete and return the reply slip below to adminoffice@st-matthews.hants.sch.uk by 12 noon on Wednesday 20 May 2020 to let us know your decision.
Class Sizes
- One of the protective measures we are going to take to reduce transmission is to have smaller class
sizes. Unlike older children and adults, primary school age children cannot be expected to remain two metres apart from each other at all times. Children and staff working with them, will therefore not be practicing social distancing to the same extent as we will be with adults. We are going to invite 10 children from Year R, Year 1 and Year 6 per week. This will be in alphabetical order using last name.
- Once we have gauged how many children are in school overall with our keyworker families we may be able to change this.
- Where possible we will aim for the same adults to teach each class for the whole week.
Effective Infection Protection and Control
As a school we will continue to work through the hierarchy of measures set out in the DfE guidance:
- avoiding contact with anyone with symptoms
- frequent hand cleaning and good hygiene practices
- regular cleaning of classrooms and surrounding areas (settings)
- minimising contact and mixing
- ensuring good respiratory hygiene - promote the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach
- Public Health England are clear that if school settings follow this guidance and also apply
comprehensive infection control measures, the risk of transmission will be lowered.
- During lockdown our school has been thoroughly deep cleaned and open for keyworker children so we have put daily cleaning routines into our teaching pattern.
- Children should not wear facemasks or gloves in school. PPE will only be used by staff working
closely with children (ie intimate care needs) or who are supervising children that are ill/showing symptoms in school while we wait for parents to collect.
The Curriculum
- Online weekly plans will remain in place via our website to support all pupils remaining at home.
These will continue to be posted on Friday for the following week.
- We will use these plans in school and will be allowing time for outside play and socialising for the children.
- It is your choice to send children in, parents will not be fined for non-attendance at this time. We are still hoping for further scientific advice to be available to help you support your decision.
- We will only invite pupils into school if our risk assessments show that it is safe for both children and staff to attend. If a child at school presents themselves as a risk to others, they will no longer be allowed to attend school. There will be zero tolerance of any inappropriate or anti-social behaviour.
- No one with symptoms should attend school for any reason.
- If anyone has a cough/temperature/feels unwell at school, they will be sent home. They will need to self-isolate for 14 days, or until tested negative.
- If a child or adult shows symptoms and tests positive for COVID-19, then the whole group that the child was in must be sent home and they must self-isolate for 14 days.
- If other cases are then also confirmed at the school, the Local Authority will advise the Headteacher on next steps/possible closure.
- Eligible children (initially Year R and Year 1 and Year 6) plus all pupils in priority groups are encouraged to attend school, unless they are self-isolating or they are themselves clinically vulnerable. This eligibility does not include siblings in other classes, unless those siblings are in a priority group. (If your child has been attending during ‘Lockdown’ they are in the priority group).
- If someone in a child’s household is categorised as ‘extremely clinically vulnerable’, then the child should not attend school.
- School meals will be provided for all children who are in school; the menu will be on the website.
School Timings
- Parents and children should walk or cycle to and from school where possible.
- The school day will be staggered to allow less congestion on the road and on the playground. We will expect children to arrive between 8.30 and 9.15 a.m. Pick up time will be from 2.45 until 3.15p.m.
- Playtimes and lunchtimes will also be staggered to avoid congestion in the hall and playground during the school day.
- Parents of Rainbows and Oak can walk to the field area to drop off and collect. KS2 children should be dropped off at the gate to the playground.
- Only one parent should collect their child from school each day.
- Parents will be responsible for socially distancing from one another when in the playground/ field and must also socially distance from all members of school staff.
- Please do not enter the school foyer unless absolutely necessary. Email or phone the office with queries.
- There will be no before or after school club provision at the present time.
Arrival times |
8:30 – 9.15 |
Dismissal times |
2.45 – 3:15 |
REPLY SLIP FOR ALL YEAR R, YEAR 1, YEAR 6 (This is also on the word document below)
Please complete and return the reply slip below to adminoffice@st-matthews.hants.sch.uk
by 12 noon on Wednesday 20 May 2020
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Name of Child: _______________________________________________
Rainbows _______ Oak ________ Beech ________
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Please tick ONE of the following boxes:
- My/our child WILL return to school from 1 June 2020
My/our child will NOT return to school from 1 June 2020
Name of parent: ________________________________________