Newsletter Monday 4th May

Hello Everyone,
It seems incredible that it is already May! Our theme this week in Worship would have been all about 'Hope'. This seems very applicable for our current time too. We need to have 'hope' that all will return to 'normal' as soon as possible and we will be together again.
In school last week we listened to Colonel Tom talking about all the positive work the NHS do everyday. He spoke about midwives and broken bones being mended. He asked us all to think about the positive things that are happening all around us at this time. The children in school were brilliant and made a long list of things that they were thankful for. They also had a list of things to hope for.
We are very lucky to be living here and to be able to walk out in the countryside for fresh air. The photograph at the beginning of this letter was taken on my walk to work. Do you know where it is?
We are enjoying sharing your home learning. Thank you for all your time and effort putting work on the blogs.Please let us know if we can support you in anyway. There is a team of staff in school each week if you have any queries.
Please keep safe everyone and we hope to speak to some of you this week and see you all very soon.
Mrs PH
Remember the SWAP SHOP will be open this week for you to come and take a new game or puzzle home. If you have anything to swap please put it in reception.