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St Matthew's CE Primary School

Faith • Respect • Achievement • Friendship

Year 5 and 6 Trip to Winchester Science Museum

Winchester Science Museum Trip 8.1.24

Beech and Sycamore Classes have had a fantastic trip to Winchester Science Museum. It was their hook into their next theme entitled; 'What is out there and where did it come from?' They were given opportunities to explore Space using the hands-on science artefacts at the museum as well as participate in a workshop about different types of light and how space can be photographed. Finally, they all were given a guided tour of space in the centre's planetarium. All children had a great day out and were a real credit to the school. Thank you to all who helped on the trip and made it possible for us to go. Click on the links below to see the photos of our day. 

Sycamore Class

Beech Class