The Travelling Book Fair Arrives at St. Matthew's!

Come to the Travelling Book Fair at St. Matthew's.
On Wednesday 22nd March, Thursday 23rd March and Friday 24th March, The Travelling Book Fair will be at St. Matthew's. Straight after school (3:10-4:00pm), you will be able to come to the school hall and buy books. There will be a wide range of books to choose from, for different ages.
Ideally, it would be easier to pay using the QR code, which you can scan on your phone and pay. This will be available on the day. You can also buy book vouchers on the website prior if you wish at Simply pay online before printing out the voucher. We would discourage anyone from using cash if possible.
By buying books through the book fair, you will be helping the school to raise money to buy new books for the school library and outside reading areas.
Thank you for your support. We hope to see you at the Book Fair!