World Book Day 2022

Upcoming World Book Day: Thursday 3rd March 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
World Book Day is fast approaching and, as always, at St. Matthew’s we will be celebrating. The theme for our World Book Day at St. Matthew’s will be ‘Reading for Pleasure’. On Thursday 3rd March 2022, we would like your child to come into school dressed as a character from their favourite book. This could be a fiction book, non-fiction book or poetry book. Whichever book is their favourite. We would also like your child to bring their favourite book into school on this day (please make sure it is named). Through the day, the children will be carrying out activities which develop their ability to promote their book. They will be sharing it with special friends, creating advertising posters and preparing a verbal speech from which they will be able to use to promote their book to the rest of their class. We will also be re-launching our outside reading areas (weather depending) and making full use of the library. We are really looking forward to World Book Day. Thank you for your support.
Mrs Searle (English Lead)