WORLD BOOK DAY: THURSDAY 4TH MARCH 2021... coming soon...

Hi St. Matthew's,
On Thursday 4th March (a week today), we will be celebrating World Book Day!
On this day there will not be working to our usual timetables but will be coming together to celebrate books and complete some activities related to a whole school text. Normal class zooms will not take place on this day but a zoom for each Key Stage to allow us to share the book with the children.
Key Stage 2 (Willow, Ash, Sycamore and Beech) Zoom will be at 9am.
Key Stage 1 (Rainbows, Oak and Apple) Zoom will be at 10am.
The User ID and password will be sent to you separately and will be the login details that we usually use for sharing worship.
We really hope you will enjoy the day. The activities will be available on your class 'Working from Home' pages for Thursday from next week. Please email your class teacher with photographs of the activities that you complete as we would love to see what you get up to and see how you celebrated this special day.
World Book Week Challenge:
During next week, we are setting you a reading challenge. The challenge is attached below, one for Key Stage 1 and one for Key Stage 2 and is designed to have some fun and enjoy the books you read. If you would like paper copies of these challenges, they will be available in the main reception area with the home learning packs from tomorrow afternoon. Please take one! You have a whole week to complete the challenge and we cwould love to see if you can complete it.
There will also be another surprise for World Book Day... but you will have to watch this space for that one!
We hope you have great fun this World Book day and we are looking forward to celebrating it with you!