Newsletter Monday 20th July

Hello Everyone,
We are at the end of term and the end of the year. Attached is my end of year letter which summarises some of the many exciting events this academic year.
We have all had mixed experiences during the last few months and I hope that we can all take time to reflect on these during the summer and take the positives forward as life gets back to 'normal'.
Thank you to Beech Class parents for their generous gift of a bench for the school; this will be well-used. We wish all Year Six children every good wish for their future happiness. If you would like to watch their end of year video, please click on the link below!
We finish Tuesday 21st and pick up time is between 2.15 and 2.30 p.m.
Thank you for all your support this year and I hope you all have a relaxing and healthy summer.
We look forward to seeing everyone back in September.
Best wishes,
Mrs. PH and staff at St. Matthew's.