Newsletter Monday 13th July

Hello Everyone,
We are now in our last full week of term. We are looking forward to welcoming our new Rainbows who are visiting after school in small groups. We have a full class and eleven children with siblings. Mrs. West has organised homes for the guinea pigs, from Rainbows, over the holidays, thank you for offering to do this if they are visiting you.
The final Worship Times for year six are completely different this year. They have produced a video that will be shared with the school and sent to parents. The Diocese have also produced an end of year video. Usually the Year Six class visits the Cathedral with all the other Year Six children in the Diocese.
Alice is able to conduct a church worship for the class and luckily the church is open again. It was closed for repairs before 'Lockdown' so we haven't visited since January.
The final Goodbye Gatherings on the field are on the 20th and 21st of July please check the previous 'latest news' item for timings.
We will send lists for Transition Day-September 4th at the end of this week for morning or afternoon times. The children will be able to order a school packed lunch that day or bring their own.
This is the final week of 'Home Learning' thank you for all your support. If you would like any reading books for the summer please ask your class teachers and keep reading as much as possible throughout the holidays. We have many free books to give as prizes when you return. Also remember to complete the library challenge.
There will be additional information and letters coming out before the end of term so please keep checking the website.
Kind regards,
Mrs. PH